Monday, September 25, 2006

Francis Ford Coppola

The level of contribution into the work he does is a lot as has produced, acted, written and directed many films. Some of the well-known films he has produced are Jeepers Creepers II (2003), Jeepers Creepers (2001) and Sleepy Hollow (1999).
The films he has directed are Jack (1996), The Godfather Trilogy (1992) and The Godfather: Part III (1990) some of the films he has written are The Godfather Trilogy (1992), The Godfather: Part III (1990) and The Godfather: Part II (1974).
Coppola often worked with family members on his films. He put his two sons into The Godfather as extras during the street fight scene and Don Corleone's funeral. His sister,Talia Shire, played Connie Corleone in all three Godfather films, the last of which his daughter Sofia also appeared in. His father Carmine co-wrote much of the music in The Godfather, The Godfather: Part II and Apocalypse Now.
He operated several movie theatres in the New York area, and he was responsible for bringing a number of silent Italian films to the United States. As an adult, Francis would remember hearing all kinds of stories about his Italian ancestors--tales of robberies and "honour" slayings and the kind of mayhem that might have fit perfectly into one of his Godfather movies.

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