Thursday, February 22, 2007

Five key points on how to identify a post modern text:

A post modern text rejects conservative values- high and low culture. An example of high culture is opera and an example of low culture is soaps. Soaps are now watched by audiences from class A, B,C1 and C2.

A post modern text may be a pastiche which copies a certain style an en example is “sin city”. “Sin City” copies film noir and a comic book style genre.

A post modern text may be seen as a parody which mocks the conventions of a certain genre. Examples of parodies are “Shrek”, “Shrek 2” and “Hoodwinked”. Shrek films tend to mock pop culture, fairytales and Disney.

Intertextuality is another feature that can help identify a post modern text. Intertextuality is the blending or mixing of two different texts. An example I could think of is “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham” (2001) (Bollywood film) that uses a song from another Bollywood movie called “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai” (1998) this could show that it is tributing the bollywood film released in 1998.

Bricolage is the last the way to identify a post modern text an example would big brother as they use conventions of game shows and soap operas. The game show convention it follows is using the money as a price and soap opera convention it uses is having cliff hangers at the end of the show.

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