Saturday, January 06, 2007

freaky friday film poster analysis

The purpose of the film poster for “Freaky Friday” is to persuade people to go and watch the film. The central image is a medium shot/two shot of the two main characters in the film which is Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan. Jamie Lee Curtis is dressed in formal, sophisticated way suggesting she is a business women where as Lindsay Lohan is dressed in informal/casual clothes which suggests she might be a bit rebellious because of the conventional iconography used for example of her jewellery and badges she is shown wearing. Moreover a binary opposition is then created in the narrative. Lindsay Lohan facial expressions portrays that she is happy, excited and carefree. However, the fact she is folding her arms suggests there maybe some tension. On the other hand Jamie Lee Curtis’ facial expressions seem serious and indicate that she is concern about her daughter. The two actresses attract two audiences Jamie Lee Curtis appeals to an older audience whereas Lindsay Lohan attracts a younger audience as she is seen as a role model to teenage girls. The mise en scene is of a diary which is a conventional prop used in a chick flick genre. Both diaries are represented in stereotypical way for example having an image of both of the men in their lives. This reinforces patriarchy as it suggests the most important thing to a woman is a man. The typography used for the title seems wacky which makes the audience think that something strange is going to happen in this film. Furthermore, the “I” is a symbol of a star instead of a circle/dot which makes the audience think that maybe something magical is going to happen. The use of alliteration in the title and the informal way it is written makes more appealing to the target audience as it makes it more catchy. The tagline “they always been in each others faces, today they are in each others bodies” gives a major hint of what is going to happen in the narrative. The arrows indicate that they are going to swap bodies.

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